I like the orthadontist, they have nice people and do a gteat job
Barrer and White had helped me achieve a better smile id been with braces over six month and had a huge improvement in my smile at first i wasn't sure to try it out but now i can see the magic it does and have no words.still have to wear them for 16 month but it really worked and the staff are really kind.I feel pleased and more confident with my smile i dont have to hide it anymore. :-)
I love the way they work on my teeth my smile turned out GREAT I can't stop smiling
Barrer and white orthodontists is the best place in town and the people working there are great
Everyone is very friendly even if the patients aren't. The nurses are always willing to talk with you and ask how you are. The paintings around the office are very beautiful and make me very happy. I love the way my teeth are becoming straight and my bite is lining up.